Monday, December 21, 2009


waiting for promised freedom... promised joy.... promised life. i am waiting too.  the air around me is heavy with suffering and with expectation. i cannot fear the painful loss as one who has no hope. i have hope. not a timid hesitant wimpering clutching at straws. no. it is a fire that all the blackness of death cannot put out or dim. it is bold, beautiful and it shouts a victory cry in the face of what only looks like defeat. it is rooted in my heart, and yet in another world simultaneously. i feel the winds of heavens comfort and cool the burning shame, when the earthly air lies dead and hearse-like all around me. the stirring of something coming that will shake every evil thing free from our spinning child-earth... it is almost here, and through the sheen of tears i see the glimmer of a ray that will widen into the first true day. every fiber aches with the anticipation of an emotion i have never felt. come Lord Jesus.

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